Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Barbara Walden, Thank You!

I was at an event recently and met the fabulous Ms. Barbara Walden!

In 1968 Barbara Walden launced the first Black-owned cosmetics company whose products were aimed at Black women.  Her makeup became the first Black-owned line to be sold in department stores.  Ms. Walden was 83 years old on her last birthday!  Below are "a few photos":

 Thank you Ms. Walden!

photos by: eve


  1. Hats off to her! That’s amazing! Now days, women are doing everything and I am really proud to be a woman, I have my own goals and I wish to achieve them as soon as possible. I also went to a venue NYC recently where they had a discussion about women empowerment and it was brightening.

  2. Stevenjared that's awesome! Keep pushing!!!!!!!

  3. Hey Stevenjared0853!
    Thank you!
    I will!!!
